Table of Contents
using which Kernel?
Kernel-features-overview on github
compile official kernel
4.4.70 on GitHub
sudo apt-get install git make gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf u-boot-tools git clone bpi-r2 cd bpi-r2 ./
see also Patch for
- Option 4 kernel-config (menuconfig),
- 1 to compile all,
- 3 compile only Kernel, after that option 6, to copy compiled data to SD-folder
if successful finished, Kernel is in folder SD/BPI-BOOT modules in SD/BPI-ROOT
kernel can be copied to Boot-Partition (path, previous Backup!) the modules must be copied as Root
cp SD/BPI-BOOT/bananapi/bpi-r2/linux/uImage /media/$USER/BPI-BOOT/bananapi/bpi-r2/linux/ sudo cp -r SD/BPI-ROOT/lib/modules/4.4.70-BPI-R2-Kernel /media/$USER/BPI-ROOT/lib/modules/
compile my 4.4 Kernel
i have forked the official kernel-repo and updated to actual kernel-version, added mt76x2 wireless driver and activated uart0+1:
4.4.x on GitHub
steps to build/install are same except the git clone :)
sudo apt-get install git make gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf u-boot-tools git clone bpi-r2 cd bpi-r2 ./
compiled kernel 4.4.x
v1.2.1 (Nov 23, 2017),including mt76x2/x3 wireless driver
Bootloader (u-boot):
the 4.4-archive (Kernelversion-BPI-R2-Kernel_boot+root.tgz) contains 2 folders, which contents have to be copied to the partiton of SD/MMC with the same name.
- BPI-BOOT ⇒ boot-Partition uImage=Kernel-file, backup first your existing before overwriting it
- BPI-ROOT ⇒ partition with root-fs, here are the kernel-modules (/lib/modules/kernelname). With new kernel-version a new subfolder is created, so you need no backup else the name of kernel is the same.
using own (newer) Kernel
using my github-repo
manual way using
config from user RyderLee ramdisk
Script to compile/copy changed defconfig
above 4.14.14 only pcie-patch may be needed..
with kernel 4.4.70 mmc0=sd-card and mmc1=emmc, so i have done this also for kernel 4.14 (else you have to change u-boots uenv.txt and Mount-Points in system)
to do this set mmc1-section above mmc0-section arch/arm/boot/dts/mt7623n-bananapi-bpi-r2.dts and in arch/arm/boot/dts/mt7623.dtsi mmc-swap.diff
how to use the
with my github-Repo:
sudo apt-get install git make gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf git clone bpi-r2-4.14 cd bpi-r2-4.14 ./ importconfig ./ config #if you want to change the kernel-config ./
compiled 4.14.x
the 4.14-archive (bpi-r2_kernelversion_gitbranch.tar.gz) contains 2 folders, which contents have to be copied to the partiton of SD/MMC with the same name.
- BPI-BOOT ⇒ boot-Partition, uImage=Kernel-file, backup first your existing uImage before overwriting it
- BPI-ROOT ⇒ partition with root-fs, here are the kernel-modules (/lib/modules/kernelname). With new kernel-version a new subfolder is created, so you need no backup else the name of kernel is the same. The files in the other folders are mainly to get internal wifi working (wmt-tools, firmware, config) and have not to be copied every time (currently not changing). These are only packed in for users who haven't these tools already
there are also binary-packages on github-releases (made by travis-ci) with same file-structure:
you can use this script for installing the tar.gz-package
install kernel
The linux-kernel has 2 parts…the “main-kernel-image” (uImage) and the modules.
The kernel-image is loaded by uboot from BPI-BOOT-Partition folder bananapi/bpi-r2/linux/. By default the file “uImage” is loaded, but you can choose another name and set variable “kernel” in uEnv.txt.
the modules have to be put to BPI-ROOT-partition (/lib/modules/kernelname).
change DTS (device tree)
using dts(i)-nodes (arch/arm/boot/dts/) and porting them to older kernel
- evbug will be loaded and displays messages on terminal if local keyboard is connected
- you can disable via “modprobe -r evbug” (temporary, will be loaded again after next reboot) or add file /etc/modprobe.d/evbug.conf with content “blacklist evbug” (survives reboot)